Abstract: Invasive species represent the second most important component of global environmental change, with major ecological and socioeconomic impacts and costs of millions of euros per year in Spain. They are also a unique opportunity for frontier research in ecology and evolution. The creation of the first Thematic Network on Biological Invasions in Spain is proposed, bringing together several world leaders on the question from ten Spanish research centers and combining experts from terrestrial, marine and inland water ecosystems and also from agricultural and social sciences. Other researchers from these and other Spanish research groups will be involved later on. Through regular meetings, two workshops, the compilation of information and preparation of a website, and the dissemination of results we intend to improve the transfer of our research to environmental managers and society in general and consolidate the interactions among invasion research groups of all taxonomic groups, ecosystems and regions. In particular, we will perform the first horizon scanning on invasive species in Spain.
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